Actual good advice about coronavirus

Yellow caution tape.

Yesterday my brother, who works for a large organization in South Korea, sent me a picture of the entrance to his workplace gym, criss-crossed with black-and-yellow “keep out” tape. It’s part of his company’s policy to decrease human contact in the face of the coronavirus outbreak. He and his colleagues have also been told to switch their daily start times to avoid peak-use hours on the subway, and schools across the country will start a week later than usual. (More…)


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Saving humanity, all in a day’s work

Margaret Foster, a government chemist in 1919.

Over four years I conducted a series of interviews with science and security experts: People who spend their working hours thinking about how to prevent humans from blowing ourselves up, succumbing to a pandemic, web-surfing into oblivion, or otherwise wiping out civilization.

Now for the first time I’ve organized all these in-depth interviews into one place. If that sounds like your thing, go here and click on the “Interviews” tag for smart thinking on biosecurity, cybersecurity, nuclear weapons, and more.

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