
What does “nuclear terrorism” really mean?
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 4/7/16
There are few scarier pairs of words: “nuclear,” evoking the great 20th century fear of atomic annihilation, and “terrorism,” the bogeyman of the 21st. Put them together and you’ve got a frightening specter. But what is nuclear terrorism? An explainer.
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Seoul’s hundred faces
The New York Times, 7/23/15
A novelist, a fashion designer, a musician and a film director–Academy Award-winner Bong Joon-ho–show me their favorite parts of Seoul.
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In Calgary, Exploring the Cultural Side of “Cowtown”
The New York Times, 10/23/14
Fine food, river paths, galleries: A creative transformation fueled by petrodollars and enterprising locals.
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Beneath Malta’s Beauty, a Tangled History

In Mexico, Eco Concerns Where Sea Lions Romp
The New York Times, 4/24/13
Humpack whales, sea lions, and reef fish in my log from the Sea of Cortez.
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Along the Trail of Korea’s Mountain Spirits

In Laos, the Lady and the Jars
The New York Times, 7/13/12
If archaeologist Madeleine Colani, a scholar of the Plain of Jars, could traverse this route in 1932, surely I could do it today.
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A Place to Lay My Heart

Hangover in a Strange Land
The New York Times, 8/26/10
My review of Rachel Shukert’s Everything is Going to be Great: an underfunded and overexposed European grand tour.
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The Extremely Male Brain
Forbes, 6/12/09
What caused the explosion in autism diagnoses, and why are boys more affected by the disorder? I asked Simon Baron-Cohen, director of Cambridge University’s Autism Research Centre.
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Cosmopolitan patriot
Forbes, 4/30/09
When you come from a thriving democracy with a high standard of living, and try to pull off the prodigal son routine, you have some explaining to do. My review of Michael Ignatieff’s “True Patriot Love: four generations in search of Canada.”
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The Lap of Luxury
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